Tuesday 7 January 2014

Styling a Jewellery Look Book

Hi guys,
Hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New Year! I certainly did however I've still had lots of work to do which has lead to me neglecting Crystal Prophecy! It also means that I haven't had chance to write about everything I've wanted to. So with all this work I've been doing I figured it was about time I shared a snippet of my work with you. These are some images that I styled and photographed in a studio for a jewellery look book. All of the jewellery was designed and handmade by students from my university, UCA. Getting to know the amazingly talented girls and seeing what they got up to kind of made me a little bit jealous and wish that I was getting a degree in jewellery. Although if I did that I probably wouldn't be sat here sharing my Fashion promotion, styling and photography skills on a blog. Thank you to Hannah Troy the make-up artist and Lauren Murphy for being my model couldn't of done it without you girls, Hope you like my work!

Photography and styling - Jordann Watson ©