Friday 11 October 2013


Sooo... I got a tattoo. Which I can't quite come to terms with considering that I never really used to like them but it was for a good cause and we all change our minds from time to time.

Anyway it all started with trying to find a tattoo I really liked and I decided that if I'm going to have one I'd personally prefer to have one that has some kind of meaning behind it because it is going to be there forever after all. So I'd been thinking about it for quite some time but when I went to stay in my family home in manchester for a week to get my braces tightened (yes, I have braces at the age of 20) I realised that Manchester isn't always going to be home. My family is moving to Australia without me and I'm growing up and wanting to be independent. So yeah, I got a tattoo and this was the outcome...

Did it hurt? seems to be the first thing people seem to ask when it comes to my tattoo. I'm not going to lie it did hurt, especially on the bone as it was along my ribs but you kind of get used to it. The worst part was when the tattooist went over the bits she had already done, GOD HELP anyone that has a tattoo with a lot of shading is all i can say! After 20 minutes of hell it seems to be healing really well and only stung for about an hour afterwards and all i kept saying is "I feel like I have a carpet burn on my side!"but it wasn't as bad as i thought, I don't think.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your tattoo and the meaning in it. I've always wanted to have one but i decided that i have to wait untill something really important will happen to me and from that point i will tattoo it on my skin. By the way i just saw that you're following me on bloglovin and i decided to do the same, i really love you're blog :)
